Innovator Excellence Award

This category is looking for innovative initiatives that demonstrate the circular economy in action and which bring organisations closer to future proofing their business models.
This category is open to all businesses that have successfully developed innovative products, technologies or services; adapted an existing one for new markets, or have developed innovative business processes, models or ways of doing business around the circular economy.
Entrants will show a high degree of creativity and dynamism and will be exploring ways to exploit their innovation to its fullest potential. They must be able to clearly demonstrate the adoption of circular economy business principles, that there was a demand for the innovation and that it has proved successful in line with the objectives set.
Please complete this form to enter.
Net Zero Award

This category is for businesses that can demonstrate carbon neutral practices that are aligned to help achieve, or are on track to realise, the ambitious net zero emissions targets set out by the Government.
Sustainability of carbon neutral practices are vital to ensure long term changes are implemented, this involves responsible resource management. By reducing carbon emissions, carbon-neutral practices promote efficient resource use, such as energy and raw materials, which align with sustainable principles.
This category is open to all businesses that have, or are successfully innovating and pivoting to develop either technologies, services, products, internal operations or existing systems that serve to support in meeting our targets.
Businesses applying for this category will be able to showcase solutions that have been actively implemented, or that are currently underway which will help drive the objective of net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases.
Judges will be looking for entrants who will be able to provide examples of how they have put creativity, innovation and inclusivity at the fore when approaching their net zero targets.
Please complete this form to enter.
Skillnet Regional Award

This award will be open to any company that has engaged in staff training programmes over the previous 12 months.
The award demonstrates a commitment to upskilling of staff and investment in personnel enhancement. The award will recognise a company that invests in its people and recognises the importance of human potential in its future growth plans.
3 finalists will be selected by the Judges for this Award.
Please complete this form to enter.
LEO Award

This award is aimed at businesses, services or products with growth potential. The successful business will have between 1 and 10 employees and have a clear growth strategy based on their inherent expertise.
The focus of the award is to recognise the indigenous businesses in the Sligo region who have set up and are trading and look set for growth and future employment.
So, whether you are an existing business or a new set up that is making a difference, this is the award for you.
Businesses that have benefitted from the support of the Local Enterprise Office in Sligo in the last two years will be automatically enrolled in the awards. 3 finalists will be selected by the Judges for this Award.