Chamber to make submission on Local Economic and Community Plan for Sligo

Sligo Chamber will be making a submission to the six year Local Economic and Community Plan on or by Sep 10th 2014. Chamber members who wish to make a contribution to the Chamber’s submission are invited to do so on or by Monday 1st Sep 2014 by sending a written submission to
The background to the plan is as follows:
Sligo County Council, together with Sligo Local Community Development Committee, is seeking views on the key priorities and opportunities for Sligo over the next six years.
The views are being sought as part of the process for the preparation of a six year Local Economic and Community Plan for Sligo in accordance with the Local Government Reform Act, 2014. The Plan will be developed for the purposes of

  • The promotion of economic development
  • The promotion of local and community development

The Plan aims to improve the well-being of the people and economy of Sligo through enhanced strategic planning, better targeting of resources and more meaningful impacts for local communities. It will provide the strategic framework for all publicly funded economic, local and community development programmes in the county and for the development of Sligo as the social, cultural and economic capital of the region. The Plan will include measures to tackle poverty and exclusion and to develop opportunities for enterprise and employment, training and education, community wellbeing, rural and community development, local infrastructure and services, tourism, cultural services, innovation/R&D, natural resources, agriculture, marine and the promotion of Sligo.
It is anticipated that the Plan will identify the economic, social and community potential of Sligo and the requirements to sustain and enhance it. To assist in your submission please download the Local Economic and Community Plan Public Consultation Briefing Document (PDF) or for a hard copy contact S. Kilcullen, Sligo County Council, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo. Telephone: 071 9111 804.
Submissions may be made in writing (hard copy or email) headed ‘Sligo Local Economic and Community Plan’ and sent to:
Dorothy Clarke,
Director of Services/LCDC Chief Officer,
Sligo County Council,
County Hall,