Going for Growth 6th Cycle – Applications Being Sought
A call has just issued for candidates for a new cycle of Going for Growth (the 6th). They are seeking about 60 women entrepreneurs to participate. As previously, there will be no cost to suitable candidates. They just have to cover their own expenses. Ambitious women entrepreneurs will gain most from participation in the initiative. Going for Growth is open to women entrepreneurs who are trading in their current business for at least two years, who own at least 50% of their business, are working full time in that business and are strongly focused on growth. If this description fits you or someone you know, and you would like them to be considered for inclusion in the forthcoming cycle, then please ask them to register their interest on the website www.goingforgrowth.com. Please note that the final date for receipt of completed application forms is Friday 24 January 2014. The call has been made possible through the support of the Equality for Women Measure 2010-2013, which is financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Department of Justice and Equality, and Enterprise Ireland.