Restrictive Measures And What They Mean for The People of Sligo

On Friday evening, sweeping restrictions were announced across the country to try to slow the spread of coronavirus. The new restrictions mean that everybody should stay at home – except in specific situations outlined below – until April 12.

In Sligo, a number of essential businesses and services are continuing to operate. These include pharmacies, grocery stores, the agricultural industry, essential deliveries and of course the health care industry.

Continuing to work safely

Employers should identify and contact employees (including sub-contractors) who are connected to essential work and notify them. If you are an essential employee, you are permitted to travel to and from work, but you should bring work identification (or a letter from your employer indicating that you are an essential employee), as well as one other form of identification with you at all times.

If you are self-employed, a farmer, an agricultural worker, or a member of the clergy, you should carry one form of identification with you at all times. If you are a volunteer who is working as part of the national community response, you are permitted to travel for that purpose, for example if you are delivering food, supplies or medicine to a person who is cocooned or vulnerable.

All organisations who provide essential services are advised to have business continuity and resilience plans in place to deal with any situations that may affect key employees or facilities. Also, it’s important to strictly follow the latest public health guidance at all times.

Stay home to reduce the spread

To try and curb the spread of Covid-19, people are only permitted to leave their homes in the following circumstances:

  • to travel to and from work if it’s part of essential services and cannot be done from home
  • to shop for essential food and household goods
  • to attend medical appointments and collect medicine
  • to provide care to children, elderly or vulnerable people
  • to take brief individual physical exercise within 2km of your home, as long as you adhere to strict 2m physical distancing
  • for farming purposes, such as food production and care of animals.

If you are not engaged in the provision of essential services, then you are not permitted to travel to and from work until after April 12. These guidelines are under ongoing review by the government and will be updated as required. We will continue to bring you updated information to help you deal with these unusual circumstances.